
Making software development a better place
Our company would not exist without Open Source software. In order to give back to the OSS community, we're actively supporting Open Source projects.
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Let's keep building cool things in 2021!
We're a lifestyle business (not a startup) and we love it! Find out how we do things and why we do them. In other words, the Martian way.
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2020... what a ride! 🎢
We share a breakdown, month-by-month, of what we lived in this awkward year so as to have a recollection of our learnings and feelings as a company.
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We're hiring our first Project Manager 👩🏻🚀
We're securing some of our biggest contracts ever and will need extra people to tackle all the projects. Check our projects and openings!
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What's up on the red planet? 🍁
Fall began full of activity. With several contracts extended and a bunch of new opportunities our way, we're looking for developers for our spaceship!
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Martian radio signals keep pelting Earth🍹🎧
This summer, we've been especially close to you through our Life on Mars podcast. With +1000 listeners, find out the most popular episodes so far!
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Count on Martians to help boost your project! 🚀
We have the capacity to take up new projects now. Take a look at our services and let us know if we can be of any help to your projects!
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Our Life on Mars Podcast is now live! 🎧🚀
We've just released the first episodes of our podcast Life on Mars! We're already live on Spotify and iTunes. More platforms coming in the next days!
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Next adventure coming soon... Life on Mars Podcast 🚀🎧
We'll interview the best founders, investors and experts from all around the galaxy about technology, entrepreneurship and innovation. Stay tuned!
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Two years of Martian Newsletters: stats and learnings!
It's been two years since our first newsletter. We celebrate it by putting together our most popular blog posts, talks and podcasts for you. Enjoy it!
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No office, no investors, no worries - six years of learnings
We have just kicked off our seventh year of operations running MarsBased. We share with you all the learnings acquired in the past 12 months.
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MarsBased YouTube channel launched 🚀
Plenty of interesting content on remote working, Martian tech talks, and many more are available for you on our channel. Subscribe now and stay tuned!
Read full articleI've been working with MarsBased for several years and have hired them for multiple companies. They're well known for their technical expertise, but their knowledge in business is also excellent! They've been my Business-Intelligence-as-a-Service for many years and they will for years to come.