103 articles tagged with 'MarsBased'

Tidy desk

I'm an office manager in an officeless company, so... what am I supposed to do?

All-remote companies with distributed teams are more complex than it appears. Here's how we run MarsBased after four years of operations.

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Sky full of stars

Our new year's resolutions for 2018

We like to keep traditions alive! Every year we share our plan for the year ahead, both personal and professional, so we can keep track of our progress over the years!

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Spaces & MarsBased join forces in an intergalactic partnership

We have signed a partnership agreement to become the Community Partner of Spaces in Barcelona - we're over the moon (pun decidedly intended) with that deal!

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Expanding the team again: looking for a fullstack developer

Are you a fullstack developer with over 3 years experience in Ruby on Rails, a strong liking for JavaScript and want to work remotely? Get in touch with us!

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We're not a startup: we're a lifestyle business (and we love it)

We're not a startup: we're a lifestyle business (and we love it)

When everyone's out raising funds and building massive marketing campaigns looking to make a profitable business, we've slowly building the lifestyle business we always wanted.

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Car rear

So, do you guys do only Ruby for the backend?

This is a question we are asked all too frequently from outside the company. However, we recently asked this very question ourselves. Yes, we only do Ruby and that isn't going to change anytime soon.

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Space rocket launch

Three years running our first business: lessons learnt

Everyone said that a full-remote, employees-first, quality-driven consultancy highly specialised in niche technologies would not work. Here we are after three years.

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Programming languages on a computer screen

How to make the most of a development bootcamp

Development bootcamps are an efficacious and fast way to learn coding, if you do it the right way. Here are some tips to make the most of your experience through any of them.

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Here's how we use Basecamp to manage our teams remotely

We've been using Basecamp 3 for a while now, and it really fits our company culture of having no office.

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Rocket launch

Our new year's resolutions for 2017

For the third year in a row, our team of Martians shares their new year's resolutions!

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Red rocks

Looking back to 2016: a year of consolidation for MarsBased

2016 was a year of consolidation for our humble company. Here's a short recap of what we went through, month-to-month.

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How we created our own frontend framework: MarsMan (and why)

As our company grows, so do our projects and clients, and not all of them can be developed with out-of-the-box solutions. Thus, we created a bespoke frontend framework for ourselves.

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