
Martian crew in expansion 🚀

Once a Martian, forever a Martian
We're abducting once-Martians! This week, we've started working with Emilio, the first and only intern we've had in the company, and his business partners. After his internship, Emilio went back to his studies, but we knew we'd work together again someday, and so did he, as stated in his farewell post, An internship out of this world, where he explained his experience on Mars. We're so happy that moment has arrived. Welcome (back) Emilio, and company!

Want to join us? 👩🏻‍🚀

We're hiring!
We are looking for Ruby on Rails as well as JavaScript Developers, either to join the team as full-time employees or freelancers. If you want to know more about who we are, what we do and how we work, take a look at the MarsBased handbook and if you already know us and want to become part of the Martian family, check our openings (all 100% remote positions):
Check Our Openings!

Growing as a developer 👩🏻‍💻

How to improve self-confidence when writing code
One of the most frightening parts of being a developer is the recurring feeling that the solution that you are building is not going to work as intended, it is going to scale poorly or some of your coworkers will dislike working on top of it. To give the best of yourself as a developer, our CTO Xavier Redó, guides you towards learning how to move away from these toxic feelings.
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How to make the most of a development bootcamp

Since the company was founded back in 2014, we have been collaborating with several bootcamps: we taught and mentored there, we gave keynotes, we co-organised events, we created joint content, they came in bulk to our Startup Grind events and we even hired people that completed those development bootcamps. From this experience, we can give you some tips to make the most of your training in any of them.

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Life on Mars Podcast 🎙 

Latest episode: Community is f***ing hard, with Mark Birch (AWS)
Over the last weeks...
We've interviewed Thomas Petit (@Thomasbcn), Marc Oliveras (Bumble), and Sergio Gago (Moody's) to talk about various topics such as growth and ethics in marketing, and the eternal war between technology and business. Check them out here 👇🏻

Tech stuff 💡

The state of CSS 2020
Forget everything you know about CSS. Or at least, be ready to reconsider a lot of it. If you've been writing CSS for over a decade, CSS in 2020 looks nothing like what you were used to. The State of CSS Survey presents out the data, highlights the trends, and hopefully guides you through another eventful year of CSS!  Read more here.

Our projects 🤝

Launched the new website of Singularu
A few weeks ago, we launched the new Singularu website, completely redesigned and rebuilt. Read this blog post for more information about our project & partnership.
Check Our Projects

Our events 📅

TODAY, Nov 16th: Vicenç Marti (Founder @ Ketonico)
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Dec 15th: A founder's story
The speaker for the last Startup Grind Barcelona event of the year will be announced shortly, so stay tuned! The event will take place at Aticco Bogatell. You can already book your seat.
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Jan 13th: Startup Grind BCN ft. Fuckup Nights BCN
We'll kick off the year by joining forces with our colleagues at Fuckup Nights Barcelona to bring you a very special event that keeps the essence of both, the Startup Grind and Fuckup Nights, communities. You can expect a fireside chat with a founder as well as several fuckup stories. It will take place at Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm.
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Participating at other events
Dec 1st: Startup Grind Andorra hosts our CEO Àlex Rodríguez
Our CEO, Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit, will be the guest speaker at the first Startup Grind Andorra offline event since the pandemics. Register here.
Jan 20th: Startup Grind Mataró first anniversary
Our friends at Startup Grind Mataró are celebrating their first anniversary. For this occasion, they've invited all the speakers they hosted during the year, including our CEO, Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit. Register here.
Want to speak Martian? 👽
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