4 articles tagged with 'TypeScript'

Earth from space

How to generate TypeScript types and React hooks from GraphQL queries

We have been working with Shopify for a good while now, for all kinds and sizes of e-commerce sites, but we've been lately experimenting with GraphQL and React-based frontend applications to enhance user experience to unprecedented levels, so we've compiled some guidelines for you.

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Our curated Angular reference guide

Our curated Angular reference guide

We share useful Angular resources, questions, experiences, tools, guides and tutorials to keep this curated Angular reference post up-to-date. Enjoy it!

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Comparing the three Angular view encapsulation methods

Comparing the three Angular view encapsulation methods

Since we started the company, we have been using Angular for most of our frontend development projects. In this blog post, we share how we encapsulate the views in Angular projects.

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Dealing with memory leaks in ReactiveX

One annoying thing about RxJS is its memory leaks because of Observables and Subscriptions. Here's what we do to deal with them.

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