
How do you know if your remote employees are working?

How do you know if your remote employees are working?

In a world where we're constantly harassed by push notifications and last-minute urgent tasks, taking a step back and thinking long term is becoming an incredibly scarce skill.

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Are you really working on what matters? Get off everyone else's wishlist

Are you really working on what matters? Get off everyone else's wishlist

In a world where we're constantly harassed by push notifications and last-minute urgent tasks, taking a step back and thinking long term is becoming an incredibly scarce skill.

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JSBits #6: Lerna vs. Yarn workspaces

JSBits #6: Lerna vs. Yarn workspaces

Here's another JavaScript bits we wanted to share with you. Let's talk about Lerna vs. Yarn workspaces, today.

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JSBits #5: Loop statements: '' vs 'for..of'

JSBits #5: Loop statements: '' vs 'for..of'

Here's another JavaScript bits we wanted to share with you. Let's talk about the loop statements, today.

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How to set up a React + Parcel boilerplate project

How to set up a React + Parcel boilerplate project

In this post, we want to share how to create the boilerplate to build React applications with parcel.

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JSBits #4: Comparison operator

JSBits #4: Comparison operator

Here's another JavaScript bits we wanted to share with you. Let's talk about the comparison operator, today.

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JSBits #3: 10 things to remember

JSBits #3: 10 things to remember

Here's another JavaScript bits we wanted to share with you. 10 things to remember when coding.

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JSBits #2: Return more than one value

JSBits #2: Return more than one value

Here's another JavaScript bits we wanted to share with you. Small tips and tricks for JavaScript developers for all levels. This time around, we share how to return more than one value.

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JSBits #1: My favourite ES6 syntax

JSBits #1: My favourite ES6 syntax

Here's another JavaScript bits we wanted to share with you. Small tips and tricks for JavaScript developers for all levels.

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JSBits #0: an introduction to JavaScript modules

JSBits #0: an introduction to JavaScript modules

We have been accumulating a lot of knowledge in JavaScript over the years that we want to share with you in frequent bits, so we'll call this JavaScript Bits!

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Our principles are paramount to understanding our business. We believe that simpler is better, in giving the best conditions to work to increase productivity and happiness, in transparency with everyone and - most of all - in never compromising quality in whatever we do. That's why we believe in taking #noshortcuts.

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We've joined the Catalonia Logistics business cluster

We've joined the Catalonia Logistics business cluster

Just a quick update to tell you that we have joined the business cluster of Catalonia Logistics, in order to learn from this interesting sector and to provide them with our knowledge in web and mobile development.

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