3 artículos etiquetados con 'CMS'

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Why we chose to use Strapi with Remix for our projects

For a long time, we have been looking for a CMS that allows us to simply manage our clients' content. Previously, we have tried solutions such as Locomotive, Maglev, among others, but we have finally decided to integrate Strapi with Remix in our development projects. In this post, we want to share the reasons behind this decision, highlighting the technical aspects and key advantages of this combination.

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Comparing LocomotiveCMS and WordPress

WordPress and LocomotiveCMS are two popular content management systems (CMS) that are often used for building and managing websites. Both have their own unique features and capabilities, and choosing the right one for your project can be a challenging decision. In this blog post, we will compare WordPress and LocomotiveCMS to help you make an informed decision.

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What is the best Ruby on Rails CMS?

We have compared the most popular CMS built with Ruby on Rails according to user experience, flexibility to develop on top of them and other Martian criteria.

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